OM : AUM – A Sound, A Symbol or More…

The Om symbol is present almost everywhere. It is in our prayers, in our workplaces, in our homes, on our t-shirts and in our yoga classes. But what does it mean? Where does it come from?

These are important questions that we need to keep asking if we are to understand its real significance. Sometimes, a piece of knowledge is passed down through generations but not in its entirety. Where that knowledge or wisdom came from is equally important as what it actually is.

So here is The Story of Om…

How it started?

It is said that Om (pronounced AUM) was made to be the culmination of everything – the point of all creativity. It was the ancient Rishis who would chant in Sanskrit. It is they who came up with this word to define unifying experiences – something that would bind everyone together with a common thread.

And so, Om came to encompass everything, all emotions, words, sounds and beings. This is why Om increases your body awareness as you chant it. It flows through the universe, exempt of time and space and connects you to all things.

What is A-U-M?

The pronunciation itself represents something as well.

(A) “Ahh” represents what is called the waking state. This opens up all of our senses to the world’s experiences.

(U) “Ohh” represents the dream state and experiences that are beyond the physical body. It is said to bring balance into your life.

(M) “Mmm” this represents the state of deep sleep and all the salient energies of the universe. It connects you to all those mystical powers to help you feel “oneness.”

Om symbol

The Om symbol

The Om symbol itself is derived from the meaning of the word. It has three main curves, representing the waking state, dream state and deep sleep state. These are the three states of consciousness that connect you to the universe’s energies.

The semicircle atop the symbol represents Maya or the world’s illusions. Which is why it separates you from the dot that represents Turiya, or the point of bliss. This states, that you are separated from your happiest being by illusions, but you can surpass them and attain peace.

As you can see, Om is symbolic for our most ecstatic state of being, and that’s why it is given so much importance. Do you 

want to connect with the Universe? Its simple, just log on to the Chinmaya Upahar online store and browse through many of our products that are embellished with OM!  

Om product

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