Who am I? The Senses? The Mind?

‘Who am I?’ is a question each seeker need to ask and contemplate upon. Answers to some such questions have such far-reaching implications, they fundamentally change the way we live and, consequently, the world around us. With incisive analysis and methodical reasoning, Swami Swaroopananda pulls back the layers to reveal, in the simplest terms possible,…

Is Spiritual Living a Must for Right Living?

We all wonder what is the importance of scripture or spirituality in our lives. Here Swami Chinmayananda explains beautifully the significance of spiritual living. Somebody once donated a radio and said, “Swamiji! Ye Aapka hai (this is yours)”. He told me how to switch it on when I admitted that I know little about the…

Why Spirituality – An Interesting Story

Here is a simple yet powerful story on why spirituality is important in our lives. How it helps us. And what we can achieve through it.  “Spirituality is not merely knowing what you want but also understanding what you don’t need.” – Swami Chinmayananda The Story: In a tone of dissatisfaction Kamath’s mother said to…

Love but Give Space

Love and Attachment Generally, we tend to get attached to the things and beings we live with. An interesting point with regard to material objects, is that when we love a living being we expect them to reciprocate our love. But with material things, our love is utterly selfless, without any expectations. The cherished object…

Ethics in Vedanta – Honesty or Satyam

‘Ethics in Vedanta’ is a series of blogs we will be publishing from the book, ‘The Choice is Yours‘ by Swami Chinmayananda. Our choices should be based on some ethics and values. Here we understand what are the ethics mentioned in Vedanta. After reading and understanding each value we will be better equipped to make…

Swami Tapovanji Maharaj

Sri Swami Tapovanji Maharaj is one of the most renowned saints of the 19th century. He was a contemporary of Swami Sivananda and guru of Swami Chinmayananda. Birth and Childhood Swami Tapovanji Maharaj was born in 1889 on the auspicious Suklapaksha Ekadasi day of Margaseersha month. His mother, Kunchamma, belonged to an ancient aristocratic Nair…

How to Prepare for Meditation – Q & A

Q. What is meditation and why should I meditate? A. Few of us would deny the need for integrating the various conflicting aspects of our personality. The conflict arises between our physical, mental, intellectual and Spiritual being. It arises when our desires clash with our duties. Meditation is the technique for achieving total harmony. It…

Why Do We Not Touch Papers, Books and People With the Feet?

All Things and Beings are Worshipful In Indian homes, we are taught from a very young age, never to touch papers, books and people with our feet. If the feet accidentally touch papers, books, musical instruments or any other educational equipment, children are told to reverentially touch what was stamped with their hands and then…

Rudraksha Japa Mala

As part of the Indian culture, we’ve received many traditions, artefacts and wisdom that have been passed down from generation to generation. These are the essence of our culture, and so it is important to know why they were so significant to our ancestors and why they remain vital today. And so, we arrive as…

Padukas – Why worship them?

Touching a Guru’s or teacher’s or respected elder’s feet is a practice that we are taught in our childhood. It is a way to show respect to the elders and to show them that we value their teachings. Meaning of ‘Paduka’ ‘Pa’ means Paati – to protect. It is the grace of the Guru that…