The Auspicious 9 Days – Navratri

Navratri, the festival of ‘nine nights’, lasts for 9 days with three days each devoted to the worship of Ma Durga – the Goddess of Valor, Ma Lakshmi – the Goddess of Wealth and Ma Saraswati – the Goddess of Knowledge. During the nine days of Navratri feasting and fasting take precedence over all normal…

Questions About Hinduism – Answered

Sanatana Dharma…Hinduism. What are these? Sanatana Dharma and Hinduism are synonymous. The term Sanatana Dharma, loosely translated as “Eternal Law or Way,” is self-referential. The term “Hindu” however, is a 12th century Persian abstraction referring to the Indic civilization they found espousing certain beliefs, practices and a way of life on the banks of the…

Lord Ganesha: the Path and the Goal – Swami Chinmayananda

The Supreme Reality is unknown; the human equipment cannot directly come in contact with It. Hence various idols are provided in the Hindu mythological literature, to serve as a means to reach the unknown ideal. Idols by themselves are not the Reality, but only pointers, indicating It. Lord Ganesha is one such idol having a…

108 Names of Lord Ganesha with Meaning

108 Names of Ganesha Lord Ganesha is the most revered Hindu god. He is worshiped before performing any puja, and is known as the remover of obstacles. He is also known as the bestower of wisdom, which is why his devotees are encouraged to chant His mantras and 108 names to appease him. Akhurath –…