Who am I? The Senses? The Mind?

‘Who am I?’ is a question each seeker need to ask and contemplate upon. Answers to some such questions have such far-reaching implications, they fundamentally change the way we live and, consequently, the world around us. With incisive analysis and methodical reasoning, Swami Swaroopananda pulls back the layers to reveal, in the simplest terms possible,…

Ethics in Vedanta – Scriptural Direction

‘Ethics in Vedanta’ is a series of blogs we will be publishing from the book, ‘The Choice is Yours‘ by Swami Chinmayananda. Our choices should be based on some ethics and values. Here we understand what are the ethics mentioned in Vedanta. After reading and understanding each value we will be better equipped to make the ‘Right…

Meditation – Technique and Obstacles

“Meditation is the effortless abidance in the awareness of one’s true nature.” – Swami Tejomayananda Prerequisite for Meditation – Seeker’s mind We are often misguided by the belief that meditation amounts to the image of a Yogi sitting under a tree, clutching a Japa mala and reciting mantras. This is certainly one technique used to…

How to Prepare for Meditation – Q & A

Q. What is meditation and why should I meditate? A. Few of us would deny the need for integrating the various conflicting aspects of our personality. The conflict arises between our physical, mental, intellectual and Spiritual being. It arises when our desires clash with our duties. Meditation is the technique for achieving total harmony. It…