Do you know why is Vibhuti or Holy Ash applied?

Vibhuti, Bhasma, Thiruneer, or Holy Ash when applied to the forehead and the body is believed to destroy the sins and revere the Lord. It is obtained from a sacrificial fire by burning together herbs, cow dung, milk, ghee, and honey. It is a sacred act performed while worshipping Lord Shiva.

Why is Lord Shiva covered in Holy Ash?

One day Sage Bhrigu was cutting grass, suddenly he cut his finger. At that point, he noticed instead of blood; a sap-like liquid started oozing out of his finger. Instantly, the Sage became happy and was filled with pride and ego. Lord Shiva saw this and decided to teach Sage Bhrigu a lesson.

Lord Shiva disguised as an old man and approached the Sage. Lord asked him why he was so happy. To this Sage, Bhrigu replied arrogantly that because of his hard work, the blood in his body turned into a sap-like liquid like the one found in a sacred tree. Lord Shiva, who was dressed as the old man, asked what was so great about it, because once burnt we all turn into ashes. After saying this, Lord Shiva cut his finger and ash started flowing out of His body.

Sage Bhrigu immediately realized that God himself came to teach him a lesson.

Since that day, Bhasma is associated with Lord Shiva. The ash is applied to keep a check on the ego and negative thoughts. Lord Shivas devotees apply Bhasma as a Tripundra. When used with a red spot at the center, the mark symbolizes Shiva-Shakti, i.e., the unity of energy and matter that creates the entire seen and unseen universe. Read about 12 surprising impacts of positive thoughts.


Why do we apply Vibhuti or Holy Ash?

Also considered as Sacred Ash, Vibhuti is known to have the ability to transmit and control energy within our body. Secondly, it is the reminder of nature of life. It is indicative that the body is not the core of a substance, it is just ash. By applying Vibhuti, we resonate with the same and stay humble.

The areas where sacred ash is applied become more sensitive and open to the supreme power. So, if you use Holy Ash before leaving the house, you receive divinity and become more receptive. You start observing life in different ways and perceptions.

On a physical level, it is believed that by applying Holy Ash 7 chakras are regulated, headaches and cold can be prevented, skin allergies could be aided, the area between the eyebrows is stimulated which prevents sinus and nose block. You may like to read about importance of having sacred symbols in jewellery.

Types of Vibhuti or Holy Ash:

  • Swarna Bhasma – prepared from Gold
  • Godanti Bhasma – prepared from Gypsum
  • Shankh Bhasma – prepared from Conch
  • Mandur Bhasma – prepared from Iron Oxide
  • Vanga Bhasma – prepared from Tin

These different types of Bhasma are used in Ayurveda for treating various diseases.

How do we apply Vibhuti:

Vibhuti can be applied to the entire body, as a dot on the forehead and throat, or as three lines on the forehead. The three lines have a deep meaning – 1st line denotes removal of pride, the 2nd line shows the removal of ignorance and the 3rd line bad karma or actions. Remember that Vibhuti is always taken from the right hand.

vibhuti tilak

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Hari OM!

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