Ethics in Vedanta – Honesty or Satyam

‘Ethics in Vedanta’ is a series of blogs we will be publishing from the book, ‘The Choice is Yours‘ by Swami Chinmayananda. Our choices should be based on some ethics and values. Here we understand what are the ethics mentioned in Vedanta. After reading and understanding each value we will be better equipped to make the ‘Right Choice.’

Honesty (Satyam)

Honesty is the spirit governing our inner intellectual world. After we gain experiences in the outer world and assimilate them in our, we must digest them by our intellect to turn them into a determination or conclusion. We then must have the honesty of intellectual conviction to act in accordance with the determination we have reached. This quality of mind is called satyam. However, many of us do not live up to our convictions and as a result we suffer. Religion, by advocating the principle “Be truthful to your wisdom,” insists that we constantly and consistently exercise our intellect to guide our actions in perfect harmony with our conscience.

In fact, honesty is not merely expressing our true feelings, but in its deeper import, it is the attunement of the mental intentions with our intellectual convictions. If we lack the moral courage to express what we sincerely feel, we cannot live a life full of truthfulness. A disparity will be created between thought and word, and the mind will form a habit of doubting and negating its thoughts. This self-doubt depletes our confidence, mental strength, will power and poise. 

Unless we are ready to discipline our thoughts according to our reason chastened by knowledge, we cannot grow to realize the full unfoldment of our true and divine nature. A spiritual seeker must be totally honest, even suicidally honest, for only then does the mind become taintless and free from fear and conflict.

Spirituality or spiritual seeker

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